Making its way into the Human world believably in Wuhan, China; Coronavirus-is a part of the family of the viruses that are found in Animals. Although the actual animal source is unknown, there are fingers pointing towards “Bats” which must have infected some animal sold at the wet Wuhan market where dead and live animals are sold. COVID-19 is closely related to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) which swept around the world in 2002 and 2003 which soon ran it out. The devil is in the “no symptom” showcase of this virus as the person infected may not show any symptoms. This virus has made countries get into lockdown as the deaths from this virus have reached around 24,136 to date and around 530,000 people infected. These cases sweep around 80 countries on the globe which makes it a pandemic outbreak. Below is the image of the top five countries where the coronavirus has taken a major hit. Source: How the economy started going down ...
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