For some reason, taking a loan from a lender for just one month does not seem like a good idea to the experts. But the consumers appear to be happy with this lending trend and utilizing it. In this blog, we will discuss the eligibility and methodology for fast and short term instant loans . Who can get a loan Different lenders provide loans for different consumer types. You can get a loan even if you have short credit, you are not an Australian national, or have any other issue. If you are planning to apply for a loan, the basic things you need to qualify are as following: You are at least 18 years old and have a valid identity card. If you are a non-resident, make sure that you have a visa till the final return date of your loan. You have a stable source of income and an Australian bank account. Other than this, the government also has certain laws and regulations for lenders. They cannot lend money if they are uncertain about how you will use the mon...